Issue no. 3 - 2022 July / September


Property, public goods and common goods

Guido Alpa, Vincenzo Cerulli Irelli, Gregorio Arena, Lorenzo Casini, Fabrizio Marinelli, Giovanna Colombini, Mauro Renna and Calogero Micciché discuss the transformations relating to property, public goods and common goods. Guido Alpa examines the social function of property and the powers of «conformation». Vincenzo Cerulli Irelli reviews the problems of property and public and common goods. Gregorio Arena takes into consideration the common goods. Lorenzo Casini focuses on cultural heritage. Fabrizio Marinelli investigates the relationship between collective property and civic uses. Giovanna Colombini describes the management of public goods and concessions. Mauro Renna and Calogero Micciché analyze public goods and rights of use.


Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno: The Single Supervisory Mechanism as a Unitary Multilevel Administration

The Single Supervisory Mechanism recoded the institutional law of banking supervision in the European Banking Union (EBU) and brought the European Central Bank (ECB) and National Competent Authorities (NCAs) of participating Member States within a common administrative space. The model underpinning the Mechanism innovatively mixes centralisation and decentralisation features in a polyhedral institutional structure: although the ECB enjoys significant centralised powers to lead banking supervision in the European Banking Union, the principle of subsidiarity is operationalised in a dynamic fashion to enable the NCAs’ decisional power to contribute to the execution ECB’s supervisory tasks. This contribution attempts to recover a sense of unity in the Mechanism, expounding the rationales for its variably decentralised architecture in light of a holistic understanding of the role of NCAs in the pursue of the ECB’s pan-European supervisory mandate. I will conclude that form and function do not go hand in hand in the SSM: despite being formally composed of two layers of administrations, the Mechanism hinges on a centripetal logic to work as a joint administrative apparatus, where banking supervision is executed, according to formal and informal interinstitutional balances of powers, as a shared function of the ECB’s and NCAs’ synergetic action.

The Golden Power Rush

The essay, after identifying the most important legal issues resulting from the expansion of the golden powers over the last decade, focuses on two thematic areas. Firstly, it seeks to answer the question of whether golden power can be a means of relaunching European integration, as well as protecting national security. Second, it deepens the structural and functional strengthening of the regulatory framework following the EU Regulation 2019/452 and the Decree-Law Liquidity and Ukraine, analysing the legal consequences both from an organisational and procedural point of view and from the point of view of judicial protection.

The selection of administrative staff in Italy and Germany: a comparative perspective

The contribution explores the selection procedures used in the Italian and German legal systems, in terms of access to public employment and with regard to career promotion. The comparative analysis is aimed at verifying whether the procedures used in Germany based on the «principle of selecting the best», promotions drawing mainly on internal staff and the «competitive federalism» system are an example to imitate, suitable for implementation in Italy. The apparent distances between the two systems suggest describing and comparing their features as «dichotomous pairs» in an attempt to establish through comparison whether the differences in selection procedures are real or apparent, or rather whether they are different paths pointing in the same direction.


The English Constitution as a Model. The Invention and Diffusion in the Legal Comparison

The English constitution has been an object of admiration and has been taken as an example to imitate, for many centuries and throughout the world. This phenomenon raises many questions. Here are some of them. Why was it a model, despite its difficult reconstruction, not being contained in a single text and being for some parts founded on customs? Why does it inspire so different norms? What strength derives from the constitution and what impulse, on the contrary, arises from those systems that took it as a model? What does the long history of transplants of the English constitution and its principles teach to historians and legal scholars?


Administrative Chronicles 2020-2021

The Administrative Chronicles 2020-2021 open with a brief overview of the three years majors events that have affected the public administration. In this context, particular attention is given to the impact of the pandemic and the economic crisis on measures of interest to the administration. The Chronicles are then divided into two parts. In the first, are analyzed the major improvements concerning public organization of offices, public employees status, finance, public goods, activities and procedures, administrative acts, contracts, administrative accountability, public controls, administrative justice and local bodies activities. In the second, are highlighted the most relevant reforms affecting the exercise of the functions of order functions, of the welfare functions, and are stressed, as well, the developments of the legal framework of work and professions, culture and media, environment protection, public services, private finance and regulation of the markets.

Book Review

pp 873

Giorgio Mocavini: Yves Mény on Democracy: The Greek Political Legacy. Myths – Power – Institutions

Aldo Sandulli: Mariano Croce and Andrea Salvatore on What is the State of exception

Paolo Patrito: Andrea Trisciuoglio on Roman administrative law

Anna Simonati: Luca Di Giovanni on The landscape planning


Brief Reviews

pp 888

Brief reviews by Barbara Accettura, Gianluca Buttarelli, Martina Cardone, Andrea Carrisi, Giulia Del Turco, Vincenzo Desantis, Marco Francesco Errico, Simone Franca, Alessandra Mattoscio, Giorgio Mocavini, Rosaria Morgante, Francesca Pileggi, Giulio Rivellini, Agostino Sola, Michela Tuozzo, Flavio Valerio Virzì

Books Received

pp 939

Democrazia e politica

Alessandro Campi, Trasformazioni della politica, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2022, 232, Isbn: 9788849870800, Euro: 18,00;

Enzo Ciconte, Classi pericolose. Una storia sociale della povertà dall’età moderna a oggi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2022, 312, Isbn: 9788858148310, Euro: 20,00;

Fabiano Compagnucci, Andrea Gentili e Enzo Valentini (a cura di), La quarta rivoluzione industriale e l’economia italiana, Roma, Carocci, 2022, 164, Isbn: 9788829013272, Euro: 17,00;

Giacomo D’Arrigo e Piero David, Next Generation Eu e Pnrr italiano. Analisi, governance e politiche per la ripresa, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2022, 234, Isbn: 9788849871722, Euro: 18,00;

Fabio Fabbri, L’alba del Novecento. Alle radici della nostra cultura, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2022, 320, Isbn: 9788858148426, Euro: 24,00;

Maria Rosaria Ferrarese, Poteri nuovi. Privati, penetranti, opachi, Bologna, il Mulino, 2022, 176, Isbn: 9788815298393, Euro: 14,00;

Francis Fukuyama, Il liberalismo e i suoi oppositori, Milano, Utet, 2022, 186, Isbn: 9791221201505, Euro: 19,00;

Mirko Daniel Garasic, Leviatano 4.0. Politica delle nuove tecnologie, Roma, Luiss University Press, 2022, 188, Isbn: 9788861057302, Euro: 20,00;

Andrea Gavosto, La scuola bloccata, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2022, 208, Isbn: 9788858145197, Euro: 15,00;

John Maynard Keynes, Qualche impressione sulla Russia, Roma, Luiss University Press, 2022, 64, Isbn: 9788861057685, Euro: 10,00;

Henry Kissinger, Leadership. Six Studies in World Strategy, New York, Penguin, 2022, 528, Isbn: ‎ 9780241542002, Euro: 30,00;

Maria Malatesta, Storia di un’élite. La nobiltà italiana dal Risorgimento agli anni Sessanta, Torino, Einaudi, 2022, 338, Isbn: 9788806217976, Euro: 26,00;

Maurizio Ridolfi (a cura di), Aldo Moro, la storia e le memorie pubbliche, Roma, Viella, 2022, 256, Isbn: 9788833138060, Euro: 29,00;

Aldo Schiavone, L’Occidente e la nascita di una civiltà planetaria, Bologna, il Mulino, 2022, 184, Isbn: 9788815298331, Euro: 15,00.

Diritto costituzionale

Gianluca Bascherini e Giorgio Repetto (a cura di), Per una storia costituzionale italiana attraverso la letteratura, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2022, 344, Isbn: 9788835135760, Euro: 42,00;

Martin Belov, Constitutional Semiotics. The Conceptual Foundations of a Constitutional Theory and Meta-Theory, Oxford, Hart, 2022, 360, Isbn: 9781509931408, Euro: 101,00;

Mario Bertolissi, Il mito del buongoverno, Napoli, Jovene, 2022, 484, Isbn: 9788824327411, Euro: 50,00;

Marco Betzu, I baroni del digitale, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2022, 138, Isbn: 9791259763600, Euro: 12,00;

Carmela Capolupo e Raffaele Manfrellotti (a cura di), Emergenza pandemica, disciplina dell’emergenza e sospensione delle garanzie costituzionali, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2022, 346, Isbn: 9791259763341, Euro: 24,00;

Giulia Caravale, Stefano Ceccanti, Laura Frosini, Paola Piciacchia e Astrid Zei (a cura di), Scritti in onore di Fulco Lanchester, Napoli, Jovene, 2022, 1328, Isbn: 9788824327374, Euro: 130,00;

Jesùs Casquete e Javier Tajadura, La Repubblica di Weimar. Costituzione e contesto, Milano, Wolters Kluwer-Cedam, 2022, 140, Isbn: 9788813379964, Euro: 18,00;

Edoardo Celeste, Amélie Heldt e Clara Iglesias Keller (a cura di), Constitutionalising Social Media, Oxford, Hart, 2022, 320, Isbn: 9781509953707, Euro: 101,00;

Pasquale Costanzo, Codice di giustizia costituzionale13, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 1104, Isbn: 9788892121850, Euro: 49,00;

Elia Cremona, Francesco Laviola e Valentina Pagnanelli (a cura di), Il valore economico dei dati personali tra diritto pubblico e diritto privato, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 240, Isbn: 9788892122192, Euro: 28,99;

Antonio D’Atena, Diritto regionale5, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 496, Isbn: 9788892122918, Euro: 34,00;

Josu De Miguel Barcèna e Javier Tajadura Tejada, Kelsen versus Schmitt. Politica e diritto nella crisi del costituzionalismo, Milano, Wolters Kluwer-Cedam, 2022, 288, Isbn: 9788813379971, Euro: 32,00;

Johannes Fitzke, Therapiefreiheit und Selbstbestimmungsrecht: Die Arzt-Patienten-Beziehung im Wandel der Zeit, Berlino, Duncker & Humblot, 2022, 317, Isbn: 9783428186068, Euro: 89,90;

Alessia Fonzi, Il conflitto di attribuzione tra Stato e regioni. Prospettive di una competenza della Corte costituzionale, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 256, Isbn: 9788892123236, Euro: 29,99;

Anne Fornerod, La liberté de religion en question(s), Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2022, 212, Isbn: 9782802771081, Euro: 60,00;

Emanuele Fratto Rosi Grippaudo, Evoluzione storica e profili teorici nella cornice costituzionale della giurisdizione contabile, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2022, 296, Isbn: 9791259763198, Euro: 24,00;

Roberto Gargarella, The Law As a Conversation among Equals, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 300, Isbn: 9781009098595, Euro: 100,00;

Tommaso F. Giupponi e Alberto Arcuri (a cura di), Sicurezza integrata e welfare di comunità, Bologna, Bologna University Press, 2022, 288, Isbn: 9791254770924, open access;

Patrick Hilbert, Die Informationsfunktion von Parlamenten. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur demokratischen Bedeutung des Europäischen Parlaments, Tubinga, Mohr Siebeck, 2022, 497, Isbn: 9783161609909, Euro: 119,00;

Till Patrik Holterhus e Fabian Michl (a cura di), Die schwache Gewalt? Zur Behauptung judikativer Autorität, Tubinga, Mohr Siebeck, 2022, 169, Isbn: 9783161615818, Euro: 44,00;

Elina Lemaire e Thomas Perroud (a cura di), Le Conseil constitutionnel à l’épreuve de la déontologie et de la transparence, Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Démocratie, 2022, 370, Isbn: 9782370323422, Euro: 29,00;

Oliver Lepsius, Angelika Nußberger, Christoph Schönberger, Christian Waldhoff e Christian Walter (a cura di), Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts, Tubinga, Mohr Siebeck, 2022, 972, Isbn: 9783161615931, Euro: 334,00;

Benedetta Liberali, Un processo bifronte. Stato e regioni davanti alla Corte costituzionale, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 432, Isbn: 9788892123274, Euro: 54,00;

Massimo Luciani, Nicola Lupo e Chiara Bergonzini, Il bilancio dello Stato, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2022, 246, Isbn: 9791259763525, Euro: 12,00;

Cormac S. Mac Amhlaigh, New Constitutional Horizons. Towards a Pluralist Constitutional Theory, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 256, Isbn: 9780198852339, Euro: 83,00;

Philipp Thomas Mende, Militarisierung der Polizei. Verfassungsrechtliche Grenzen, Berlino, Duncker & Humblot, 2022, 233, Isbn: 9783428186099, Euro: 74,90;

Giuseppe Morbidelli, La dimensione giuridica in Dante Alighieri, Modena, Mucchi, 2022, 80, Isbn: 9788870009262, Euro: 8,00;

Andrea Morrone, La Repubblica dei referendum. Una storia costituzionale e politica (1946-2022), Bologna, il Mulino, 2022, 592, Isbn: 9788815298454, Euro: 39,00;

Andrea Morrone e Maria Moccheggiani (a cura di), La regolazione della sicurezza alimentare tra diritto, tecnica e mercato: problemi e prospettive, Bologna, Bologna University Press, 2022, 144, Isbn: 9791254770634, open access;

Len Niehoff e E. Thomas Sullivan, Free Speech From Core Values to Current Debates, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 280, Isbn: 9781108830577, Euro: 83,00;

Julien Padovani, Essai de modélisation de la justice constitutionnelle. Pour une approche téléologique du contentieux constitutionnel, Parigi, Lgdj, 2022, 640, Isbn: 9782275110356, Euro: 70,00;

Cesare Pinelli, Diritto pubblico2, Bologna, il Mulino, 2022, 536, Isbn: 9788815295323, Euro: 41,00;

Pierre-Henri Prélot, Florence Richard-Schott e Stéphane Schott (a cura di), Le droit constitutionnel et la géographie, Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Démocratie, 2022, 306, Isbn: 9782370323347, Euro: 24,00;

Marco Ruotolo, Corso di diritto costituzionale. Fonti, diritti, giustizia costituzionale, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 296, Isbn: 9788892143319, Euro: 30,40;

Wojciech Sadurski, A Pandemic of Populists, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 212, Isbn: 9781009224505, Euro: 83,00;

Thossaporn Saensawatt, Die verfassungsrechtlichen Grundentscheidungen des Grundgesetzes. Eine verfassungsrechtstheoretische und -dogmatische Untersuchung, insbesondere zum Verhältnis der verfassungsrechtlichen Grundentscheidungen zueinander, Tubinga, Mohr Siebeck, 2022, 464, Isbn: 9783161611148, Euro: 119,00;

Marco Schirripa, Le nuove frontiere del diritto di voto, Milano, Wolters Kluwer-Cedam, 2022, 272, Isbn: 9788813380021, Euro: 29,00;

Helmuth Schulze-Fielitz, Staatsrechtslehre als Mikrokosmos. Bausteine zu einer Soziologie und Theorie der Wissenschaft des Öffentlichen Rechts2, Tubinga, Mohr Siebeck, 2022, 610, Isbn: 9783161616396, Euro: 99,00;

Beatrice Serra (a cura di), Libertà, dubbio, coscienza morale. L’eredità di un maestro: Arturo Carlo Jemolo (1891-1981), Modena, Mucchi, 2022, 246, Isbn: 9788870009248, open access;

Jonathan Sumption, L’impero del diritto. Una sfida per lo Stato e per la politica, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2022, 88, Isbn: 9788849870022, Euro: 12,00;

Stephen Tierney, The Federal Contract. A Constitutional Theory of Federalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 352, Isbn: 9780198806745, Euro: 59,00;

Patrizia Vipiana, Introduzione al diritto della sicurezza pubblica, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 176, Isbn: 9788892123083, Euro: 13,99;

Vladimiro Zagrebelsky, Roberto Chenal e Laura Tomasi (a cura di), Manuale dei diritti fondamentali in Europa, Bologna, il Mulino, 2022, 576, Isbn: 9788815293930, Euro: 42,00.

Diritto amministrativo

Marco Luigi Antonioli, Rapporto senza potere e tutela dell’affidamento. Le nuove frontiere della responsabilità civile della P.A., Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 224, Isbn: 9788892122826, Euro: 27,99;

Francesco Armenante, I nuovi modelli dell’organizzazione e dell’azione amministrativa, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 224, Isbn: 9788892122635, Euro: 23,00;

Sigrid Aubert e Aurélie Botta (a cura di), Les communs. Un autre récit pour la coopération territoriale, Versailles, Quae, 2022, 272, Isbn: 9782759234639, Euro: 30,00;

Tommaso Bonetti, La partecipazione strumentale, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2022, 280, Isbn: 9791254770962, open access;

Francesca Branca, La libertà personale e d’impresa nel mercato comunale, Napoli, Jovene, 2022, 214, Isbn: 9788824327459, Euro: 44,00;

Roberto Cavallo Perin, Marco Lipari e Gabriella M. Racca (a cura di), Contratti pubblici e innovazioni. Per l’attuazione della legge delega, Napoli, Jovene, 2022, 156, Isbn: 9788824327503, Euro: 20,00;

Elisa Cavasino, Il piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza e le sue fonti. Dinamiche dei processi normativi in tempi di crisi, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2022, 170, Isbn: 9791259763396, Euro: 14,00;

Caroline Chamard-Heim, Droit des biens publics, Parigi, Puf, 2022, 600, Isbn: 9782130733089, Euro: 35,00;

Michele Corradino, Manuale di diritto amministrativo2, Bari, Cacucci, 2022, 606, Isbn: 9791259651235, Euro: 55,00;

Guido Corso, Manuale di diritto amministrativo10, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 672, Isbn: 9788892143142, Euro: 50,00;

Filippo D’Angelo, Pluralismo degli enti pubblici e collaborazione procedimentale. Per una rilettura delle relazioni organizzative nell’amministrazione complessa, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 280, Isbn: 9788892123489, Euro: 39,00;

Stéphanie Douteaud, La stabilisation des contrats par le juge administratif de la validité, Parigi, Lgdj, 2022, 864, Isbn: 9782275110608, Euro: 70,00;

Charles-André Dubreuil, Droit des contrats administratifs2, Parigi, Puf, 2022, 556, Isbn: 9782130835684, Euro: 39,50;

Bertrand Faure, Mylène Leroux e Martine Long (a cura di), Les collectivités territoriales et les femmes, Boulogne-Billancourt, Berger-Levrault, 2022, 190, Isbn: 9782701321738, Euro: 29,00;

Louis Feilhès (a cura di), Un droit “administratif” européen. Regards croisés des droits administratifs français et de l’Union européenne, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2022, 213, Isbn: 9782802771142, Euro: 70,00;

Mark Findlay, Jolyon Ford, Josephine Seah e Dilan Thampapillai (a cura di), Regulatory Insights on Artificial Intelligence. Research for Policy, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2022, 304, Isbn: 9781800880771, Euro: 125,00;

Giuliano Fonderico, L’amministrazione razionalizzata. Disciplina degli aiuti di Stato e attività amministrativa, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 416, Isbn: 9788892122949, Euro: 47,50;

Umberto Frangipane, La controversa natura giuridica delle linee guida Anac, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2022, 226, Isbn: 9788849547337, Euro: 24,00;

Élise Fraysse, L’État dans la construction doctrinale du droit administratif. Une pensée d’État (1804-1870), Parigi, L’Harmattan, 2022, 422, Isbn: 9782140259807, Euro: 39,00;

Élise Fraysse, L’État dans la construction doctrinale du droit administratif. Penser l’État (1870-1930), Parigi, L’Harmattan, 2022, 508, Isbn: 9782140259838, Euro: 42,00;

Luca Galli, La coprogrammazione e la coprogettazione dei servizi di integrazione dei migranti. Paradigmi di coinvolgimento della società civile nei percorsi di inclusione sociale, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 352, Isbn: 9788892123281, Euro: 41,80;

Carlo Emanuele Gallo (a cura di), Manuale di diritto amministrativo2, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 512, Isbn: 9788892123465, Euro: 42,00;

Lisa Pauline Hamacher, Standortauswahl für ein Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle. Intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit, Wissensgenerierung und Akzeptanz durch Organisation und Verfahren, Tubinga, Mohr Siebeck, 2022, 497, Isbn: 9783161607493, Euro: 104,00;

Felix Huller, Die Regulierung des Rideselling (Uber). Personenbeförderungsrechtliche Analyse digitaler Beförderungsmodelle der Sharing Economy, Berlino, Duncker & Humblot, 2022, 658, Isbn: 9783428184071, Euro: 129,90;

Daniel Kuhn, Binnenkonflikte unabhängiger Stellen der Verwaltung im Regulierungs- und Kartellrecht. Ursachen, Erscheinungsformen, Lösungsansätze, Berlino, Duncker & Humblot, 2022, 519, Isbn: 9783428185764, Euro: 119,90;

Valentin Lamy, Recherche sur la commune intention des parties dans les contrats administratifs. Contribution à l’interprétation du contrat en droit public, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, Mare & Martin, 2022, 542, Isbn: 9782849346365, Euro: 52,00;

Giovanni Luchena e Biancamaria Raganelli (a cura di), Concorrenza e aiuti di Stato in Europa, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 304, Isbn: 9788892123090, Euro: 24,99;

Sophie Meslin-Lière, L’innovation dans les contrats de la commande publique, Parigi, Lgdj, 2022, 528, Isbn: 9782275110363, Euro: 70,00;

Dorothea Mund, Das Recht auf menschliche Entscheidung. Zu den verfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben der technischen Erzeugung von Verwaltungsentscheidungen, Tubinga, Mohr Siebeck, 2022, 299, Isbn: 9783161615115, Euro: 94,00;

Christian Neumeier, Kompetenzen. Zur Entstehung des deutschen öffentlichen Rechts, Tubinga, Mohr Siebeck, 2022, 464, Isbn: 9783161607257, Euro: 119,00;

Luigi Previti, La decisione amministrativa robotica, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2022, 360, Isbn: 9791259763228, Euro: 24,00;

Francesca Pubusa, La rilevanza della funzione amministrativa sui contratti pubblici, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 352, Isbn: 9788892143241, Euro: 41,80;

Thomas Spitzlei, Nichtiges Verwaltungshandeln, Tubinga, Mohr Siebeck, 2022, 571, Isbn: 9783161616495, Euro: 134,00;

Paolo Stella Richter, Ripensare la città e il suo diritto. Studi dal XXIII Convegno nazionale, Padova, 1-2 ottobre 2020, Milano, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, 2022, 410, Isbn: 9788828834687, Euro: 46,00;

Francesco Sucameli, Il giudice del bilancio nella Costituzione italiana, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2022, 258, Isbn: 9791259763358, Euro: 16,00;

Julie Teyssedre, Le Conseil d’État, juge de droit commun du droit de l’Union européenne, Parigi, Lgdj, 2022, 594, Isbn: 9782275108438, Euro: 72,00;

Alexander Thamer, Kulturrecht. Urheberrecht und Kulturgüterschutz im kommunikationstheoretischen Kontext, Berlino, Duncker & Humblot, 2022, 289, Isbn: 9783428184576, Euro: 89,90;

Antonio Felice Uricchio e Gianluca Selicato (a cura di), Green Deal e prospettive di riforma della tassazione ambientale, Bari, Cacucci, 2022, 550, Isbn: 9791259651136, Euro: 55,00.

Diritto comparato ed esperienze straniere

Richard Albert e Richard Stacey (a cura di), The Limits and Legitimacy of Referendums, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 320, Isbn: 9780198867647, Euro: 95,00

Omar Caramaschi, Il costituzionalismo globale: teorie e prospettive, Torino, Giappichelli, 2022, 336, Isbn: 9788892123069, Euro: 39,90;

Koldo Casla, Magdalena Sepúlveda, Vicente Silva e Valentina Contreras (a cura di), Social Rights and the Constitutional Moment. Learning from Chile and International Experiences, Oxford, Hart, 2022, 264, Isbn: 9781509951895, Euro: 101,00;

David Goddard, Making Laws That Work. How Laws Fail and How We Can Do Better, Oxford, Hart, 2022, 224, Isbn: 9781509955367, Euro: 30,00;

Sonja Grover, The Democratic Rule of Law on Trial. First Amendment Cases of the Trump Era, Londra, Routledge, 2022, 206, Isbn: 9780367721817, Euro: 114,00;

José Guilherme Giacomuzzi, Foundations of Public Contracts. A Comparative View, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2022, 288, Isbn: 9781800880917, Euro: 113,00;

Chihab Mohammed Himeur, Islam et libertés religieuses. Le combat des valeurs?, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2022, 232, Isbn: 9782802771555, Euro: 85,00;

Claudia Kawohl, Der Europäische Datenschutzverbund. Strukturen, Legitimation, Rechtsschutz, Berlino, Duncker & Humblot, 2022, 483, Isbn: 9783428184682, Euro: 109,90;

Pierre Legrand, Negative Comparative Law. A Strong Programme for Weak Thought, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 352, Isbn: 9781316511978, Euro: 113,00;

Conor McCormick, The Constitutional Legitimacy of Law Officers in the United Kingdom, Oxford, Hart, 2022, 272, Isbn: 9781509944118, Euro: 101,00;

Luigi Melica, Sport e “diritti” in Italia e nel mondo, Bologna, Bologna University Press, 2022, 122, Isbn: 9791254770306, open access;

Chris Monaghan, Accountability, Impeachment and the Constitution. The Case for a Modernised Process in the United Kingdom, Londra, Routledge, 2022, 254, Isbn: 9781032215815, Euro: 114,00;

William Partlett e Herbert Küpper, The Post-Soviet as Post-Colonial. A New Paradigm for Understanding Constitutional Dynamics in the Former Soviet Empire, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2022, 288, Isbn: 9781802209433, Euro: 113,00;

Leonardo Pierdominici, Evoluzioni, rivoluzioni, involuzioni. Il costituzionalismo israeliano nel prisma della comparazione, Milano, Wolters Kluwer-Cedam, 2022, 196, Isbn: 9788813380076, Euro: 23,00;

Valeria Piergigli (a cura di), Le identità minoritarie alla prova della pandemia da Covid-19. Una prospettiva comparata, Milano, Wolters Kluwer-Cedam, 2022, 394, Isbn: 9788813380250, Euro: 41,00;

Leonardo Pierini, Pluralismo giuridico e realtà coloniale. Il ruolo del Judicial Committee of the Privy Council nel quadro dell’imperialismo britannico, Modena, Mucchi, 2022, 365, Isbn: 9788870009316, Euro: 24,00;

Jefferson Powell, The Practice of American Constitutional Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 290, Isbn: 9781009158848, Euro: 101,00;

Jeffrey K. Staton, Christopher Reenock e Jordan Holsinger, Can Courts Be Bulwark of Democracy? Judges and the Politics of Prudence, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 200, Isbn: 9781316516737, Euro: 100,00;

Natalia Torres Zúñiga, The Inter American Court of Human Rights. The Legitimacy of International Courts and Tribunals, Londra, Routledge, 2022, 224, Isbn: 9781032061375, Euro: 114,00;

Mark Tushnet e Bojan Bugaric, Power to the People. Constitutionalism in the Age of Populism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 296, Isbn: 9780197606711, Euro: 37,00;

Mathilde Unger, La Justice sociale dans l’Union européenne Citoyenneté et droits au-delà de l’État, Parigi, Garnier, 2022, 308, Isbn: 9782406130338, Euro: 34,00.

About the authors

pp 951

Instructions for authors

pp 965