The GlobalTrust Research Project at Tel Aviv University invites each year candidates interested in exploring themes related to this project to apply for:
– One post-doctoral fellowship ($25,000 per one year)
– Two doctoral fellowships ($20,000 per year, up to three years)
– Two visiting fellowships ($1,500 per month, between 3-6 months).
Application deadline (for the academic year of 2014-2015): 1 February, 2014.
This project sets out to study the obligations that states have toward foreign individuals and communities. It is informed by the observation that when setting national policies, states routinely affect foreigners in faraway countries often without providing them with adequate opportunities to participate in shaping those policies.
The project approaches these questions from several angles and disciplines (including history, political philosophy and political science in addition to constitutional and international law), and explores questions such as:
– The possible moral and legal grounds for requiring states to take into account and accommodate the interests of individuals and communities in other countries.
– The genealogy of the concept of sovereignty as entailing obligations toward others (derived from notions such as common humanity, society of states, international community, etc.).
– The possible institutional mechanisms (such as international and national courts) that could legitimize the external monitoring and review of states’ compliance with such other-regarding obligations.
– Specific assessment of the obligations that states owe to foreigners abroad in different areas of international and constitutional law (e.g., human rights law, international humanitarian law, investment and trade law, environmental law, etc.).
For more information please see http://globaltrust.tau.ac.il/fellowships/