Inter-legality: transformations of law beyond the State. Legal analysis of the state of the art, theoretical framing and prospects
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna announces a call to assign one Research Fellowship to perform research activities related to the scientific fields IUS/20 – Philosophy of law in the Institute of DIRPOLIS (Institute of Law,Politics and Development).
Issues concerning the relations between legal orders, and trans or supra- States law. Focus on normative structures, case-law, legal realities, the overlapping between jurisdictions and the role plaid by higher Courts. The research prioritizes the theoretical framing of inter and supra states transformations and the historical-conceptual analysis deploying composite scientific apparatuses interplaying, if needed, international law, criminal law, constitutional, and global administrative law.
Research Interests: Constitutional Law, International Law, Global Governance, Legal Theory, Public Law e Global Administrative Law
Deadline for applications: 08.11.2018