Post-doc fellowship al Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law

Il Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law ha pubblicato un bando per l’attribuzione di una post-doc fellowship nell’ambito di un progetto sulle tradizioni costituzionali comuni in Europa.

The successful candidate will be required to coordinate the drafting of the questionnaires for the second phase of the project, the identification of the national rapporteurs, the submission of the questionnaires to the national rapporteurs, and hopefully the collection of the completed questionnaires. The successful candidate will be required to regularly liaise with the other contact person(s) of the sub-group. Tentative fundamental rights on which the rapporteurs will be called to work include freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of religion, right to health, right to work, freedom of economic initiative.

Costituisce requisito fondamentale per la selezione il conseguimento del titolo di dottore di ricerca, preferibilmente nell’ambito del diritto pubblico.

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