L’ICON-S Book Prize 2020 al volume di Elisabetta Morlino

L’International Society of Public Law ha attribuito l’ICON·S Book Prize 2020 al libro di Elisabetta Morlino, Procurement by International Organizations. A Global Administrative Law Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019).

La commissione, presieduta da Anne Peters, e composta da Giulio Napolitano, Jaclyn Neo, Yaniv Roznai ha motivato il premio con la seguente laudatio:

Procurement by International Organizations is a pioneering study which is apt to become the standard work of reference on a topic of high practical and political relevance.
Procurement by International Organizations is a seminal scholarly work. The topic is in itself technical, complex, and difficult. The author explains the field which she herself has defined in a manner which renders the topic not only immediately accessible but also intellectually appealing. Based on an original research design, the work is grounded in qualitative and quantitative empirical research which leads to a fully convincing analysis and legal systematisation of the issues.

The book is situated within the paradigm of global administrative law, creatively enriching and testing this approach. The core of the book focuses on the correlation between the politics of an international organization and its system of law, and how the former illuminates both the development and the constraints of the latter. It also analyses how this correlation affects the relationship between international organizations and private subjects. The study is intra-disciplinary and straddles international and domestic law, administrative and constitutional law. In addition, it shows how public and private law interact and thus moves far beyond the commonplace about the “erosion” of the disciplinary division by providing a meticulous and meaningful analysis of that interaction.

The normative analysis is marked by a sensibility for the interests lying behind the rules and asks important questions, for example about the legal protection of the individual tenders.

The book forms the starting point and basis for further research on the matters which it has itself identified, and connects well to political science scholarship on global governance and regulatory interaction.

La cerimonia di premiazione, che include l’intervista con l’Autrice e l’introduzione dei co-Presidenti di ICON·S, Rosalind Dixon e Lorenzo Casini, è disponibile a questo link.

La pagina del premio è consultabile a questo indirizzo.