Organised by the PPRG University of Nottingham and Sapienza University of Rome, with the technical cooperation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
The workshop aims at promoting exchanges among policymakers, practitioners, and researchers on options, challenges, research, and policy gaps related to establishing sustainable public food procurement for schools. The workshop will offer an opportunity to exchange ideas and best practices on the benefits of nutritious and sustainable food for schools and exchange examples of excellence and best practices.
Differently from other events, this workshop aims not only to emphasize success stories and examples of excellence but also to bring to the fore the gaps in certain countries and regions of the same country in implementing sustainable food procurement practices for schools.
The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Mr. Michael Fakhri, will close the workshop, addressing all participants with his final remarks.
2022, November 25 9.30-18.00
Centro Congressi d’Ateneo, Via Salaria 113