The International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) in close collaboration with the Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale (CNFPT) is organizing the 2015 Annual Conference of IASIA to be held from 6 to 10 July 2015 in Paris, France.
The conference will bring together practitioners, academics, PhD students and young researchers in public administration and management, as well as contributors from any other disciplines who will exchange on the following main theme:
“Alternative Service Delivery Arrangements”
We warmly invite you to submit your contributions on the sub-themes defined hereafter by the ten permanent working groups of IASIA:
I: Education and Training in Public Administration
II: Public Sector Ethics and Culture
III: Public Sector Reform
IV: Subnational Governance and Development
V: Gender, Diversity and Equity
VI: Public Sector Leadership and Governance
VII: Public Policy, Public Decision-making and Policy Implementation
VIII: Public Sector Human Resources Management
IX: International Dimensions of the Public Administration
X: Related to the Conference theme: “Alternative Service Delivery Arrangements”
Key dates
- Abstract submission extended deadline 15 February 2015.
- Acceptation status: to be confirmed.
- Submission of final paper: 15 April 2015
Useful information:
- Abstract for proposals : max 1000 words
- Abstract for the final paper: 100-150 words
- Final paper (including the bibliography): max 6000 words