IIAS: Call for papers and Open call


2015 International Congress of the IIAS

The International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) in close collaboration with the Fundação Getúlio Vargas is organizing the 2015 International Congress of IIAS to be held from  22 to 26 June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

 I. Call for papers

The congress will bring together government professionals, academics and practitioners,  PhD students and young researchers in public administration and management, as well as  contributors from other disciplines who will exchange on the following main theme

Trust in Public Administration

Trust is considered as a crucial issue at all levels of governance. An effective democratic society depends on the confidence citizens have in their government for designing and managing public policies and public sector (citizens/users trust) but also on the trust that civil  servants have in the public sector reforms (inner trust, within the public sector). During the  recent decades, with the economic and other crises and with the current developments in the governance systems, we observed a decrease of the trust in governments and in public administration. The distrust is alarming and questions the models of governance, the democratic system and calls for innovations to improve the performance, efficiency and effectiveness in responding to the citizens’ needs and to the challenges of our society. Restoring trust requests several measures/actions to strengthen integrity, transparency, accountability but also the engagement/involvement of all the partners/stakeholders of this interaction.

Read the Call for papersENGLISHFRANÇAISE

II. Open Call

The 2015 International Congress of the IIAS is expected to bring together academics and  practitioners, PhD Students and leading young researchers from different world regions addressing major issues of public administration.

The Open abstracts/panels is for authors who wish to submit an abstract or organize a session for consideration to the 2015 International Congress of the IIAS, but do not believe
that their topic fits under any of the panels, special workshop topics or other sessions.

Download the open callENGLISHFRANÇAISE