A collaboration between the EPLO and the WORLD BANK
The EPLO and the World Bank are launching their collaboration, including in the field of the EPLO publications. In the framework of this collaboration, the EPLO is having the opportunity to submit essays for publication in the World Bank Legal Review.
Namely, the World Bank Legal Review is welcoming the EPLO’s availability for submission of an article of about 20 pages (which should be original and new material) for publication in its next volume (volume 7).
The World Bank has just sent us the call for papers for the next volume, no. 7 of its Legal Review.
The volume will be dedicated to “Financing and Implementing the Post-2015 Development Agenda: The Role of Law and Justice Systems”.
Contributions may deal with any issue related to the overarching theme of the volume. A limited number of contributions on subject matters related to law, justice and development more generally, or to the law of international organizations will also be accepted. Further details are provided in the Concept Note attached hereto.
The Legal Review will be published under the creative commons license (CC BY 3.0 US), all authors shall be expected to assign their copyright to the World Bank before publication.
If you are interested in contributing to the World Bank Legal Review, please send a short abstract (max. 800 words) describing the topic you intend to write about, following attached guidelines, to kpapani@eplo.eu by March 12, 2015, so that we can forward them to the World Bank Legal Review by March 15, 2015, which is the final deadline for the submission of papers to the World Bank.
The attached file “Abstract Guidelines” should also be completed by choosing one of the options listed therein (Financing the post-2015 development agenda, Implementing the post-2015 development agenda, Social and economic equity in the post-2015 development agenda, Other) and sent to the abovementioned email along with the abstract of your paper.
The abstracts will be reviewed and selected by an editorial team, consisting of World Bank as well as external editors. Selected contributors will be contacted and invited to write a draft article in the range of 5000 to 8000 words for editorial review by June 15, 2015. The World Bank plans to publish this year’s volume in time for launch at the 2015 Law, Justice & Development Week, scheduled for November 16-20, 2015.
The proposals submitted but not selected for publication by the Editorial Board of the World Bank Legal Review, are welcome upon their author’s agreement to be assessed for publication of the relevant articles in the EPLO journals.
You will find here (and a the bottom of the page) the Concept Note for the World Bank Legal Review vol. 7 and the Guidelines for the Abstract.
An abstract of maximum 800 words and the Abstract Guidelines where you will choose one of the options should be sent by March 12, 2015 to kpapani@eplo.eu and not to the Legal Review email address. We will then forward all proposals that we will have received to the WB Legal Review within the deadline.
Please note the following:
– Each volume has a specific thematic (e.g. indicatively past volumes include “Law, Justice and Development”, “Law, Legal Innovation and Empowerment for Development”), therefore the thematic of the next volume will be set in January 2015, when a call for articles will be made and the main topic will be identified by the World Bank Legal Review. We will then inform you accordingly of all details on this issue as soon as we receive the WB’s call for articles.
– A proposal will precede the submission of articles which should consist of an abstract and not the entire article.
– The Editorial Board of the WB Legal Review will assess the proposals submitted by the EPLO network and will select the article to be published.
– The proposals submitted but not selected for publication by the Editorial Board of the World Bank Legal Review, are welcome upon their author’s agreement to be assessed for publication of the relevant articles in the EPLO journals.
The EPLO is welcoming this opportunity and counts on your support to its collaboration with the World Bank.
Concept Note for the World Bank Legal Review vol. 7
Download the Abstract Guidelines