he Italian annual journal “Concorrenza e mercato. Competition, Regulation, Consumer Welfare and IP” welcomes articles on:
to be published on the 2016 issue of the journal.
Details on the CfP subject are attached.
Full articles complying with the editorial criteria of the journal (available here) should be sent to: concorrenzaemercato@gmail.com
by 15 February 2016.
Articles are subject to double blind peer review following the journal’s Regulation (available here).
Nota bene: we also welcome contributions pertaining to competition law or economics that are different from those indicated in the present call.
The Directors of “Concorrenza e mercato”
Marcello Clarich (Luiss University)
Fabiana Di Porto (University of Salento)
Gustavo Ghidini (University of Milan)
Piergaetano Marchetti (Bocconi University)