Fundamental Rights in Europe: Challenges and Transformations in Comparative Perspective – Oxford University Press, 2014
The book analyzes the European multilevel architecture for the protection of fundamental rights – encompassing the legal orders of the member states, the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights – with the aim to examine the constitutional implications that spring from the interaction between different human rights standards.
By developing a comparison with the federal system of the United States, the book advances an analytical model that systematically explains the dynamics at play in the European multilevel architecture. It identifies two recurrent challenges – what it calls: ineffectiveness and inconsistencies – and considers the most recent transformations.
The book tests the model of challenges and transformations by examining four case studies – the right to due process for suspected terrorists, the right to vote, the right to strike and the right to abortion. It concludes by reassessing the main theories on the protection of fundamental in Europe and making the case for a new – ‘neo-federal’ – approach to human rights.
Meet the Author and listen to a conversation about his new book, with Raffaele Bifulco (Luiss Guido Carli, Rome) and Pasquale Pasquino (CNRS Paris – NYU), Chair Giacinto della Cananea (Tor Vergata, Rome).
Monday, May 12, 2014 2.15 PM
B Building (sala scacchi II floor)
School of Economics – Rome Tor Vergata
Via Columbia, 2