The Editorial Board of the Review of European Administrative Law (ReaLaw) is pleased to announce a new edition of the ReaLaw Forum for young scholars. The 2020 ReaLaw Forum will take place in Maastricht and will be hosted by the Law Faculty of Maastricht University on 30 June 2020. The overarching aim of the Forum is to discuss how the traditional functions of administrative law (i.e. to regulate governmental action and to protect from possible abuses of public authorities) are challenged by the multi-level and multi-dimensional nature of the European administrative space.
The Forum will be held in combination with the launching event of the Maastricht research plan “‘Law in a globalizing society: regulation and protection”, which will take place on 29 June.
We invite young scholars (i.e. PhD researchers, and scholars until 5 years after having obtained their PhDs) to submit abstracts of maximum 500 words in a topic related to the overarching theme of the Forum. Relevant sub-themes are (but are not limited to):
- Exercising and controlling national and European administrative discretion in complex technical and scientific matters
- The procedural side of the making of the European administrative space: issues of transparency and participation
- The role of private parties in the making and shaping of the European administrative space
- From mutual trust to mutual dis-trust: the evolution of the European transnational administrative space
- Digitalisation in the European administrative space and its challenges
- The European administrative space facing global regulatory challenges
Please submit your abstract before 3 February 2020 to m.eliantonio@maastrichtuniversity.nl. Acceptances will be notified before the end of February.
A selection of the presented papers will be eligible for publication in a special issue of the Review of European Administrative Law, to appear in 2020.