Call for papers
The International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), in collaboration with the University Al Akhawayn, The Ministry of Interior and ENA Morocco, is glad to announce that the 2014 International Congress of IIAS will take place in Ifrane, Morocco from 13 to 17 June.
The congress will bring together academics and practitioners, PhD st udents and young researchers in public administration and management, as well as contributors from any other disciplines who will exchange on the following main theme: Rethinking Responsibility and Accountability of Public Administration in Times of Globalization, Decentralization and Privatization.
The call for papers is available on the website www.iias-iisa.org/congress2014
Please upload your paper proposals via the following link: www.iias-iisa.org/congress2014
A user guide is also available to help you with the procedure.
The deadline for receiving the proposals has been fixed to 17 February 2014!
Looking forward to welcome you in Ifrane!