Dario Bevilacqua

Dario Bevilacqua (1977) is a qualified associate professor in Administrative Law and professor of Administrative Law at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, with the role of researcher.
He holds a PhD in administrative law (2008) from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, where he graduated with honors (2003). He taught the Global Administrative Law course at the University of Tuscia in the academic years 2016-17 and 2017-18. He is also a lecturer in numerous university masters.
He carried out activities in public administrations as an official of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and as a legal expert at the Institute for Insurance Supervision.
He has worked extensively in the academic field, investigating topics such as global and European administrative law, the democratic legitimacy of public authorities, food safety and environmental regulation.
He is the author of three monographs, one of which is in English: Food safety in ultra-state legal systems (Giuffré, 2012); Free trade and the agora. Conflicting interests, global regulation and participatory democracy (Edizioni Scientifiche, 2012); Introduction to global food-safety law and regulation (Europa Law Publishing, 2015). He has also published several articles on the regulation of food safety, the precautionary principle, the reform of ministries, the protection of human rights, the Green New Deal and the environment.