Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella

Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella was born in Palermo in 1968.

Academic positions:

Full Professor of Administrative law in the University of Siena Law School (since 2003) where he has also taught Comparative administrative law, International administrative law and European administrative law
Full Professor of Administrative law in the National School for Public Administration in Rome (since 2008)
Full Professor of Administrative law in the Luiss “Guido Carli” University Law School, Rome (since 2010)
Professor of Law and Regulation of Public Utilities at the Luiss “Guido Carli” University of Rome (2007-2010)
Associate Professor of Administrative law in the University of Siena Law School (2001-2003)
Lecturer of Local Government Law in the University of Viterbo (2000-2001)
Researcher of Administrative Law (1996-2000) and of Public Law (2000-2001). in the University of Rome 3


Dottore in giurisprudenza (University of Palermo, 1991)
Master of Laws (University of California at Berkeley, 1992)
PhD in Public Law (University of Florence, 1997)
Awarded several scholarships in Italy and abroad, including the Fulbright (1991)
Studies in Washington DC (1991) Berkeley (1991-1992) Paris (1993) Tübingen (1998).

Awarded the “Giuseppe Mantellini” Prize of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei for public administration studies (2008).

Clerk at the Italian Constitutional Court for Justices Cheli (1995-1996) Neppi Modona (1996-1997) and Cassese (2007-2009). Author or co-author of reports for public and private institutions, including the Chamber of Deputies (1996) and the Ministry of Public Function (1993-1994 and 1996). Drafter of the Code of Ethics for Public Employees (1994 and 2000). Member of several study commissions appointed by the Italian Government. Member of the Group of Specialists on Public Ethics at Local Level of the Council of Europe (2001-2002). Consultant for the Sigma programme of the Oecd.

Participant and director of many group researches. Rapporteur in over 100 symposiums and seminars in Italy and abroad. Teacher in courses for students and for public employees in universities and in public and private institutions. Interviewed in parliamentary hearings and in tv and radio shows on issues of public administration and public law.

Author of over 250 scientific publications from 1993 to 2011, including the following books:

L’imperatività del provvedimento amministrativo. Saggio critico, Padova, Cedam, 2000
Sindacati e pubblici poteri, Milano, Giuffrè, 2003
Le regole dell’onestà. Etica, politica, amministrazione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007
La trappola delle leggi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011
Lezioni di diritto amministrativo, Parma Spaggiari, 2011

Editor of the following books:

Democrazia e cariche pubbliche, edited by S. Cassese and B.G. Mattarella, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1996
Codice ipertestuale della giustizia amministrativa, edited by S. Battini, B.G. Mattarella, A. Sandulli and G. Vesperini, Torino, Utet, 2007
L’esternalizzazione delle gestioni amministrative nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, edited by L. Fiorentino and B.G. Mattarella, Rimini, Maggioli, 2007
Gli uffici di staff nelle pubbliche amministrazioni italiane e straniere, edited by S. Cassese and B.G. Mattarella, Roma, Irpa, 2007
La dirigenza dello Stato e il ruolo della Scuola superiore della pubblica amministrazione, edited by B.G. Mattarella, Roma, Sspa, 2010
Global Administrative Law and EU Administrative Law, edited by E. Chiti and B.G. Mattarella, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, Springer, 2011.

Deputy Editor of the Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico.

Main research areas: legislation and better regulation, administrative procedure and acts, administrative transparency, government ethics, trade unions, European administrative law, local government, civil service, banking supervision, State and religion.